In 2010, trade with the Lord… of Trading and don’t short the sheriff, I mean the Market sheriffs of course: the governments worldwide, the treasury departments, the FED, the BCE, the BOE and the other Central
Banks. It’s not that I turned into a Bull, the thing is just that I’m a coward and scared of the Sheriffs. They showed us in 2009 how fast, big and powerful their guns are and how wide their arsenal is: interest rates slashes, Credit/Quantitative Easing and other money printing presses, banks bail-out, accounting changes, government fiscal stimuli and loads of programs: the TARP, the TARP strikes back, the return of the TARP, the TALF Episode I, the P-PIP, the HAMP and maybe the use of a few weapons that’s better not to mention, the kind of that can send a guy in jail for a few hundreds years, but a sheriff wouldn’t send another sheriff who saved the world in jail. Here we go: the sheriffs saved the world. Remember one year ago as 2009 began, a few months after Lehman the markets were close to collapse and the end of the world seemed inevitable. Here came the sheriffs, they fired their weapons and shot in the Economy (well in the banks mainly) a few trillions (hey Sheriff would you shoot me a bit please?), supported the global rally from March the freshly printed and injected money being used to a large extent to buy stocks and killed lots of markets
outlaws, namely shorters.
Read the full post @ the Eye of Sauros