Long-term tradingLong trading way is considered as the most predictable in the technical sense. The matter is that long-time price trends tend to continue and to be stable for a long period of time.
Absence of noise (frequent small price fluctuations) makes technical picture intuitive and predictable, and indicators give less false signals. So trading ads up to determination of the appropriate signal and long control of the position.
Trades by daily and weekly charts can bring large dividends on conditions of long-term trend and adequate choice of entry point. Moreover, high levels of stop loss are paid by one profitable deal.
The difference between the intraday and long-tem trading is period of order execution, if consider the results by the end of the year. However, by skillful handling of hour charts the potential profit can be much higher than long-term trades.
For training, undoubtedly, the best variant of proportion noise/period is hour charts. H4 – charts can also be useful for market investigation but the process significantly slows down this way.
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